Monthly Archives: July 2010

LeBron goes from hero to villain

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The Atlanta Journal-Constitution‘s Mark Bradley hits the nail on the head with his LeBron James column, which articulates much more clearly what I was trying to say yesterday: In an hour of unbelievably overcooked live TV, LeBron James went from being the nice guy you hoped would someday win a championship to the schemer you hope never does. He went… Read more »

The Decision

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So it wasn’t disinformation after all. LeBron to Miami. Lame. When he made the announcement, I was reading "Ella Bella Ballerina" to Loyette. FRIDAY MORNING UPDATE: I’m consolidating my recent LeBron James-related tweets below, and deleting most of the original tweet-posts (basically, all of ’em except the ones that have gotten some comments), so the homepage won’t be quite so… Read more »