Monthly Archives: July 2010

CotW: Tim Helps You Plan Your Movie Watching Week, 7/8/10-7/14/10

After a brutally lackluster June (and I say this as a movie fan who can be persuaded to go to the cinema with the weakest of arguments on almost any occasion), July has arrived! And yes, this past week was, shall we say, a bit disconcerting—while I have not seen it, I understand critics and people alike failed to take… Read more »

FriendFeed: Hypothetically, if LeBron …

FriendFeed: Hypothetically, if LeBron (and ESPN?) wanted to maximize the impact of tomorrow’s TV special, they’d make sure word leaks out that he’s going somewhere else — like, say, Miami — and then “surprise” everyone with the news that — OMG! — he’s staying in Cleveland instead. Just sayin’.