Twitter: Pac-10 ponders annual …
Twitter: Pac-10 ponders annual kickoff game at Rose Bowl: Big Ten as opponent? Screw that; redundant. Make it Pac-10 vs. SEC!!!
Twitter: Pac-10 ponders annual kickoff game at Rose Bowl: Big Ten as opponent? Screw that; redundant. Make it Pac-10 vs. SEC!!!
FriendFeed: #PANIC
Twitter: Taliban Study WikiLeaks to Hunt Informants: Failure by @WikiLeaks to redact those names is utterly beneath contempt.
Twitter: Loyette this morning, while holding a balloon: “Daddy, can you show me how to go up in the sky?”
Twitter: The amount of rigarmarole & runaround that Bank of America just put me through to get a $75 bonus I clearly qualified for should be illegal.
Twitter: 2009 recession was deeper than previously thought:
FriendFeed: 70-gigapixel panorama of Budapest is world’s largest digital photograph
Twitter: Heh. RT @gadsdenista: Finally, Obama bows to somebody who deserves it.