4 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @dmataconis: It’s …

  1. gahrie

    The only good “conservative” is either dead, or spends his time attacking other conservatives.

  2. dcl

    So, AML, your argument here is what? Conservatism doesn’t work, that’s because you have tried pure conservatism? The Conservative party in America is Ideologically bankrupt. That’s because the party is no longer in line with true conservative ideals?

    Does this argument sound vaguely familiar to you? I’m sure you get it, but there are some that read this blog that might not, so CF:

    Communism doesn’t work, that’s because you haven’t tried pure Communism! The communist party is ideologically bankrupt, that’s because they lost there way from what Marx wrote. True Communism never has and never will exist, so this line of argument is useless.

    At least that’s how I recall the argument against that line of argumentation going.

    I also found it funny that he attempted to argue that the conservatives are now or ever have been anti-materialist. That’s laughable on it’s face. But in a kind of sad way.

  3. gahrie

    The Conservative party in America is Ideologically bankrupt

    There is no conservative party in America, that is the problem.

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