5 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @everyhour: iPhone …

  1. David K.

    Interesting except their conclusions are flawed.

    First the death grip is not unique to the iPhone, attenuation has been demonstrated across the board and a Samsung phone was recently shown to exhibit the same type of spot specific behavior.

    Second, they are basing their conclusions on one measurement and not how that translates into actual performance. It’s like measuring a cars horse power and using that to determine whether one car drives better than another. Multiple analysis have shown that the iPhone 4 can perform as good or better than the 3G even when the 4 has lower signal strength so it stands to reason that raw signal strength measuring is insufficient to determine, well, anything.

  2. Alasdair

    Talking of iThingies …

    I was just out at the Adult Toy Store (aka FRYS) looking at laptops for #4 as she heads to Nawlins as a freshperson …

    And I discovered what had happened to the StormTroopers after they were defeated …

    Their tacky plastic white armour has been recycled into tacky white plastic Mac laptop cases …

    Lo, how the mighty have fallen !


  3. B. Minich

    Brendan, you should know that there are two lines of errors on this post that begin as follows:

    Warning: implode() [function.implode]

    So, from what I gather, your site is in imminent danger of imploding. #PANIC!

  4. Brendan Loy

    Problem fixed now, I think. #UNPANIC

    Correct me I’m wrong and you’re still seeing it…

  5. Brendan Loy

    P.S. Given the topic of this post, I should probably add that there was nothing wrong with the blog… you were just holding it wrong. 🙂

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