7 thoughts on “Twitter: If Krugman is …

  1. AMLTrojan

    What’s hilarious about Krugman’s prediction is that his very prescriptions are the reasons the economic recovery is faltering in the first place. I almost wish I could hand the government fiscal reigns to Krugman just to see how wildly bad he’d destroy the economy. But not until I am able to find a job in Australia or thereabouts.

  2. Joe Loy

    AML, if Palin becomes President I’ll emigrate in your stead. I’ll shear Sheep, I don’t care. ;}

    Brendan, I’m sorry but I refuse to believe that Americans, however #PANICKED we may become, will elect someone that stupid — or, Worse, that relentlessly Ignorant — as our president. (Have we Ever? I invite Nominations for the Presidential Dumbass prize. 🙂

    Now, IF Krugman is correct AND IF the Republicans can somehow contrive to nominate somebody Else — really almost anybody else, from Almost Anybody’s conceivable long-or-short List of current or potential Mentionees, including any Teaparty type who exhibits Cognitive Function (of whom Yes, there are many) and also most certainly including yer man Newt, Andrew, for whose election I would give Thanks & Praise if Sarah were the only viable alternative — (ahem) IF, as I was Saying, both said eventualities were to, uh, Eventuate, then Obama would verylikely be Toast.

    In which case — or rather, IF towards the tail-end of 2011 the looming landscape looks like it’s likely the Case that’s by then well under Construction — then Obama should — and, IMO, Would — announce that the country now needs another Fresh start toward further Change & therefore he “will not seek a second term in 2012.” (The language will need to be just that carefully crafted. 😉

    There’s much more to this scenario but I’ll stop here, For Now. Don’t wanna give away the glorious Denouement that transpires circa January 2020. :>

  3. Brendan Loy

    P.S. Re: “Newt…for whose election I would give Thanks & Praise if Sarah were the only viable alternative” … as David Letterman would say, “are ya like me?” Would you consider switching parties ahead of the 2012 primary season — risking the possibility of the lightning bolt that spared you in 1998 striking you this time — to vote against Palin and for whomever (Newt, Mitt, etc.)? Not that she’ll have a snowball’s chance in Hell of winning in CONNECTICUT, of all places, anyway, but…well, I forget, is the primary there winner-take-all? If not, perhaps you could help deny her a delegate. 🙂

  4. Alasdair

    Venerable Loy – may Yourself and your Tánaiste continue to put such temptations out into the Aether ! The SoHotG (Sense of Humour of the Gods) is especially entertained by granting such fervent wishes … (grin) …

    Of course, as a Brit, when I look at just what a truly incredible success the geniuses of the Dem party have been for this country, especially when the Dems have owned White House, House, *and* Senate, why, oh why would we ever want anything different from the Carter/Clinton/Obama style of President ?

    It took Reagan to get us out of Carter’s best efforts … it took Newt to get us out of Clinton’s best efforts … I suspect that President Palin would be an amazingly appropriate cure for the many Obaminations foisted upon us by Obama/Pelosi/Reid, so far …

  5. Joe Loy

    Why yes, gahrie, I believe you just may Be. ;} Also quite possibly the Last, though only time will Tell. ;> But as a Bipartisan Bicoastal alternative to your proposed JerseyShore/GulfCoast pairing, might I suggest Mitch Landrieu & Mike Castle? / No? Not even with Haley Barbour as Secretary of Commerce? / No, I didn’t think so. 🙂

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