8 thoughts on “Twitter: A great blog …

  1. AMLTrojan

    I think Ross has it nailed, that conservatives have plenty of good answers, they just don’t have the torchbearer to sell the public and implement them.

  2. dcl


    I have an idea for health care. Let’s put the New Yorker’s Atul Gaeande in charge of it.

    This guy’s writing on healthcare and the root problems we face, and the big things we are missing is seriously smart.

    But we need to solve healthcare. It is probably the single most important thing we need to solve.

  3. gahrie

    I used to have them reversed myself AML.

    One of the reasons I switched them is I think Christie is more charismatic and would give the ticket a better chance to win, and then Jindal can run after two terms as a successful VP…….

  4. Casey

    Foley/Craig 2012 “Speak softly and sit with a wide stance.”

    Palin/Bachmann 2012 “Duh”

    Sanford/Edwards 2012 “Every lady is our first lady.”

    Tancredo/Dobbs 2012 “Mexicans taste delicious.”

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