RT @McCainBlogette: Amazing news about prop 8!!! I have faith we are one step closer to gay marriage being passed in this country!!
RT @McCainBlogette: Amazing news about prop 8!!! I have faith we are one step closer to gay marriage being passed in this country!!
Judicial fiat is not the way to “pass” gay marriage in this country.
Maybe now that this judge has “passed” gay marriage, Congress can veto it, and the president can then rule that its constitutional after all.
Oh, maybe I can add a Twitter hash to the above. #retardactivists
Yeah, he’s a huge activist for ruling that the proposition was not constitutional and then having the gall to issue a stay so that opponents would have plenty of time to appeal before the ruling goes into affect. How dare he interpret the law and the constitution. Who does he think he is? A judge?!?
No one said the judge “passed” gay marriage.
No one said the judge “passed” gay marriage.
You’re right, but then he didn’t have to.
If the people or the legislature of California wanted to create a right to SSM, they would have to pass a law or Constitutional Amendment.
A judge created a right to SSM by judicial fiat.
The people of California told the judicial system, ” You are misreading the Constitution, so we will make the wording explicit, marriage is between a man and a woman.”, by legally amending their Constitution.
Another judge came along and told the people of California “I don’t care what you think the Constitution means.”
No one mentioned President Obama.