6 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @ggreenwald: Glenn …

  1. AMLTrojan

    Man, some people seem to have really lost their sense of humor…. Just because the HRC-as-cold-calculating-political-machine meme is ancient (like, dude, from the late-90s!) and half-buried doesn’t mean that it has completely lost its funny quotient.

  2. Joe Mama

    Holy shit Brendan, you have the cork in waaay too fucking tight. You really think Reynolds honestly believes that Hillary would have Obama killed if she were his VP. Seriously?!

  3. Alasdair

    Hey – even *I* gave Obama credit for his cojones back when he allowed Hillary to be the Cabinet member not present at the SOTU Address … part of me was expecting the 12th (aka Hidden) Imam to show up over DC …

  4. Alasdair

    Joe Mama #3 – nahh … Hillary would not have had it done … it would all have been a plot by Karl Rove …

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