9 thoughts on “Twitter: “Hallowed Ground”: A …

  1. David K.

    Brendan you don’t get it do you? All Muslims are the exact same! They are like the Borg and Osama bin Ladin is their queen! Every single Muslim on the planet is out to DESTROY the rest of us! You know that nice Muslim guy or girl you work with? The one you have eaten lunches with? Who respects your beliefs and has never tried to kill you and build a Mosque on you? Yeah its all a big fat lie! They are one massive organization bent on total global domination! All those differences and disagreements between different Muslim groups? Totally to throw us off gaurd! Don’t you see! How can you not see the Truth! gahrie has all the answers! We must bow down to his wisdom! Or we are dooomed, DOOOOOOOMED!

    ::End sarcasm::

  2. David K.

    Whats your point gahrie? That some people who associate with Islam do terrible things? That proves NOTHING about your claims that ALL Muslims hate and want to destroy us. Zilch, Zip, Zero. I can find you articles about lots of people who do terrible things in the name of one cause or another. Hell how about those Pro-life Conservative abortion clinic bombers? Should I assume that all pro-life and/or cnoservative people are just as violent and wnat to kill us all?

  3. David K.

    That you actually believe what you do is both frightening and clarifying. Your inability to grasp even the most basic concept that the actions of one do not equal the actions of all explains your warped view of the world. Your unwillingness to apply the same standard to your own side of the ideological spectrum is not all that unsurprising, i’ve known you are a hypocrit for a significantly long time now, but still its somewhat amazing that you seem to lack the basic awareness of reality in order to realize what you are saying.

    I mean it really boils down to you believing that all those who don’t comply with your worldview are some sort of complete flat caricature of a real person, who act with a single mindedness on par with your most basic video game bad guy, with no depth subtlty or nuance. Problem is I don’t know what to equate it to. Is it delusions? Is it paranoia and fear? Are you simply lacking in intelligence to such a degree that abstract concepts are beyond you? From sociological and neurological standpoint the case is fascinating. If I were in one of those fields I’d certainly try and study your brain and thought patterns to determine what prevented you from applying higher level critical thinking skills. But I suppose you would never trust a scientist enough to let him even do a simple MRI. Scientists are after all, one of the many “others” that your ideological group opposes.

  4. David K.

    Yeah, cause I’m the one whose crazy, not you.

    Lets see, you think that because some Muslims have done bad things that ALL Muslims will do bad things.

    Some Republicans have done bad things, does that mean all of you are criminals? Can we start restricting your freedoms too gahrie because of what others have done? Please say yes so we can send you on a one way trip to a place where there really IS no freedom of religion or speech like North Korea, I’m sure you would love it there, I bet they don’t let mosques get built.

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