3 thoughts on “Twitter: CFB pundits split …

  1. David K.

    Also, imagine this, Ohio State vs 1-loss Florida and Florida gets crushed.
    Boise State vs. 1 loss Oregon in the Rose Bowl and Oregon gets crushed.

    You thought there was a shit-storm about the BCS before? That might be enough to get some serious congressional follow through on the whole BCS thing.

    It’s one thing to leave a team out with a similar record, especially undefeated. Three undefeated teams and you pick two? Unfair a bit for the team left out, but you can’t really argue that the other two teams DON’T deserve to be there. But if you leave an undefeated Boise State out in favor of a 1-loss Florida?

  2. Sandy Underpants

    I don’t think a team with Boise St.’s schedule is going to get a lot of sympathy with the scenario DK sets forth above. Utah destroyed Alabama to complete an undefeated season and there weren’t many people suggesting that they were superior to Florida (who won the BCS), USC (who was clearly the best team in 2008), or Texas (the team who proved on the field that they were more deserving of playing in the BCS than at least 1 team that played in it).

    Oregon can’t beat any OoC opponent with an above .500 record, and they got handled by Boise last season already, and Boise didn’t gain much cred from it. VaTech is being hyped as a BCS contender to start the season, but that’s just phony pre-season hype to bolster the big BSU-VT marquee opening weekend game. VT will likely finish with 4 losses AFTER the Boise St. game, and then BSU goes on to play a bunch of flunky teams that nobody has any respect for (sort of like Alabama or Florida outside of their head-to-head game, but at least the SEC is perceived to be tough for some reason).

    The BCS should’ve been blown up for much worse things than what will happen this season, but Boise won’t be a part of the complaints with this season’s championship game.

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