2 thoughts on “Twitter: I just discovered …

  1. AMLTrojan

    Wow. I can’t believe I just lost ten minutes of my life reading that. Really, Glenn Reynolds is slipping because Friedersdorf didn’t get the irony inherent in a particular story (Hint Conor: the irony wasn’t in the letter itself, nor in Instapundit’s non-commentary comment on it)? This reads like sour grapes from a months-old feud. Oh wait — it is months old!

    The reality is that Instapundit is a web institution who is also a very busy man with a bazillion other things going on his life. Thus, he doesn’t typically take the time to make arguments so much as assume you know exactly where he is coming from and why, and otherwise linking to other people making points that he finds amusing, helpful, or worth debating. If you want pithy commentary that is also consistently substantive, stick to WSJ’s Best of the Web; and if the essay format is what really thrills you, try David Warren Online

    I will say that ironic (and non-ironic) pithy comment-links devoid of argumentative substance sure beat unhinged, over-the-top attacks on cable provocateurs.

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