10 thoughts on “Twitter: #LRT readers, join …

  1. dcl


    Joe, Nah, he will end up being a crazy liberal hippy and head of to school at Berkley. Just to make Andrew’s head explode. I’d make an anarcho syndicate commune joke too, but I think that might be pushing it… AML is a good guy, nobody deserves having their kid run off to join a Monty Python joke…

    It would also seem I’ve awoken on the snarky side of the bed this morning. This can’t be good.

  2. AMLTrojan

    Thanks all, but I can’t take credit — my wife is the one who did all the hard work!!!

    LMLFutureTrojan was born Thursday at 11:09pm and was 9 pounds, 5 ounces, and 22 inches long. He’s currently working off a minor case of the jaundice in the nursery tanning bed and we hope to return home manana.

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