Warrior Dash, before & after

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No comments from the peanut gallery on my t-shirt being a symbol of USC’s “dirty” program, please. 🙂 Oh, and about those hand-prints on Becky’s bra? I’d love to take credit, but they’re totally not mine! My hands are way bigger. 😛 They’re actually hers. I’m not sure what inspired her to grab her own boobs… I guess that’s just what warriors do?

Incidentally, if you look closely at the small dots along the winding orange lines in the background of the “after” photo — yeah, those are runners in the next leg of the race, ascending the hill. We mostly walked up the hill (as did many, many others). Heh. The downhill part was nice, though!

Anyway, here’s another before & after, of my legs and shoes:

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If you’re wondering where all that mud came from, here’s a video of folks in a later heat doing the crucial muddy leg of the obstacle-filled course:

You’ll notice that, at 0:19 of the video, a piece of mud flies up when World War II Helmet Guy #1 falls in the mud, and, yup, lands right by my iPhone’s lens. D’oh!

Anyway, back to Becky and me. Here we are, with our hard-earned turkey legs:



And here we are, striking some poses:



WARRIORS!!!! 🙂 More later.

28 thoughts on “Warrior Dash, before & after

  1. dcl

    5k is 3.1 (and a little change) miles. It’s a dash David.

    The 10,000 foot altitude on the other hand, is going to hurt. Don’t blame you for walking up ski slope gradient at those altitudes… Ouch. And congratulations on the success. Like Casey said, next stop is the 10k.

  2. David K.

    No dcl, its not. Not by a long shot.

    Dash (n): a short fast race.

    3.1 miles is not short, 45 minutes is not fast. A dash is something you can do at or near a full on sprint. Once you get beyond about 400 meters calling it a dash is iffy at best, but beyond a mile or so its not even close.

  3. Alasdair

    Hey – how come you all missed that those cannot be Brendan’s shoes in the before and after photographs …

    My proof ?

    Where is the velcro ???

  4. dcl

    Its all relative David. In the endurance view, a 5k can most certainly be characterized as a dash, a short fast race. The top time for this race was 20 minutes.

  5. David K.

    Ok, so the marathon is a dash compared to someone who runs continously for five days? No sorry. If you can’t sprint it its not a dash.

  6. AMLTrojan

    Brendan, who’s that hot skinny blonde standing next to you in these pictures? Does Becky know you’re running around with a Barbie Doll mistress? I see the abs on her — there’s no way that girl next to you has had two kids!!!

    I’m seriously proud of you guys — not only are you star parental units, but you’re even getting sucked into the Colorado culture of being active outdoors athletes! I was looking forward to comparing daddy beer pouches at some point, but now I am pretty sure I’ll be jealous for the opposite reason.

  7. dcl

    Okay, David, whatever. To make this argument will only serve to make me feel like a prat down playing Brendan and Becky’s laudable achievement. They set a goal that required real and consistent effort to achieve and they went out and did it. And I commend them for it. Depending on your base fitness going out at running and or training for a 5k can be very challenging.

    But, David, do keep in mind that a sprint distance triathlon has a 5k run in addition to two other sports. I don’t think dash is an unfair or miss-repretntitive appellation for the event.

  8. dcl

    AML, well said, well said indeed.

    Brendan, when you are in DC, would you be up for a run? Though given you live at 5k feet, I best do a little speed work before you get here or I’ll be in trouble.

  9. Brendan Loy Post author

    Dcl, you’re the second person who has offered to go for a run with me while I’m in D.C. … LOL. (The other is Becky’s uncle.) But I think I will probably take a few days off from running during our trip, given 1) the limited amount of time that Loyacita and I will have to see both sights and people, and 2) the fact that she’s got separation anxiety, and it’s going to be hard enough to be away from Mommy for a whole weekend-plus, without being repeatedly left behind by Daddy so he can go run. 🙂 As it is, there will be some babysitting happening, e.g. during the wedding, and maybe an evening or two so that I can go out, but I should probably minimize away-from-Daddy time during Loyacita’s waking hours.

    (For the uninitiated: Loyacita and I are flying to the Beltway area for dcl’s wedding next month. Becky and Loyette will be staying behind in Colorado. Our travel budget for the year is too depleted to buy three plane tickets, but we can afford one, and Loyacita can sit on my lap.)

    As for comparing abilities based on respective elevations, I may not run, but I will drink all y’all flatlanders under the table, if given the opportunity. 🙂

  10. dcl

    No worries, I’m rather quiet about such things. That and I tend to be rather vague about it too, and been running around like a crazy person for the last year. But it’s by no means a super double plus secrete or anything.

    Touche on the drinking, and there is no doubt about that. Though slacking off for a long weekend is how it all starts, I know, I’ve had a terrible fitness year that all started with taking it easy and eating brownies during the first snow-pocalypse… Ugh, grumble… Well, that and not setting firm goals. Speaking of which, I should go for a run.

  11. Brendan Loy Post author

    Heh, well, I just entered weekly Tuesday & Friday evening runs into my Google Calendar, and my Google Calendar pretty much runs my life, so I think I should be good on that front. 🙂

  12. trooperbari

    @ dcl #13 — re: Becky’s handprints

    Fawlty Towers — an excellent British comedy, John Cleese’s first project post-Python — had a memorable scene with the same outcome, albeit 1) indoors, 2) on a yellow shirt and 3) with someone who was not Cleese’s wife.

    So … I’ll take that as a ‘no.’

  13. dcl

    There is also an episode in which Manuel is asked to do something by Basil and replies, “que?” and Basil replies “what?” said sequence is repeated until Basil becomes utterly exasperated. As per usual.

    Thus by response is funny in a sort of a hmmmm kind of a way.

  14. dcl

    Oh, should shoot for 3 times a week, lantana fitness better. That is why the couch to 5k program is structured around 3 workouts a week.

  15. Brendan Loy Post author

    *sigh* I know 3 times a week is better, but I have so little free time during the week as it is, after the girls go to bed and before I have to go to bed… I feel like running, and then showering afterward etc., really eats up so much of my free time. If I have to keep doing it 3 days a week, I fear I’ll increasingly come to resent it as an imposition on my time, and will eventually give it up altogether. I think twice a week is a regimen I’m more likely to stick with. And of course I’ll switch back up to 3 times a week as we get closer to whatever is the next race we’re doing.

  16. Brendan Loy Post author

    Oh, and yes, I’m coming to DC. I was thinking of trying to put together some sort of a Loy-o-sphere get-together one evening, once Loyacita’s asleep. I’ll be e-mailing folks about that at some point 🙂

  17. dcl

    Brendan, @#26, fair enough. Keep in mind that doing something active 3 times a week for an hour or so doesn’t all have to be the same thing. Arguably, it is better if it is not the same. Going out and doing something active with the kids each week could be just the plan to keep you going.

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