3 thoughts on “Twitter: “The US economy …

  1. gahrie

    Buying a shotgun with my next paycheck…..(wish I could get flechette rounds)…already have more than a month’s supply of canned goods/bottled water/gatoraid.

  2. Casey

    You know, I was being a little humorous there, but only a little. There are a number of improbable events — economic collapse, major volcanic eruption, pandemic, a significant blizzard, etc — where I would be concerned about 1) having adequate food stocks to last a while, and 2) being able to defend myself, my fiancee, and our food stocks.

    I’m not some apocalyptic lunatic or anything. But I do believe in insurance. It makes sense to insure against fire, flood, disease, etc. And a (sane) stockpile of food, water, weapons and ammo does seem to be a sort of insurance to me.

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