5 thoughts on “Twitter: Haden: “of course …

  1. David K.

    NCAA: Sorry, you have to retroactivelly forfeit all those games because one of the 70+ athletes on your team was ineligible.

    USC: Really? I can’t find anything that says he was ineligible when he played. In fact he had been ruled eligible by the NCAA like all the other players on the team.

    NCAA: Well, no of course not, we didn’t decide that til now.

    USC: Wait, so how could we have known we weren’t supposed to play him? Crystal ball? Tarot cards? Time travel?

    NCAA: I hear you have a good engineering school….

    USC: WTF?!? Were you guys drunk when you decided all this?!

    NCAA: Well SEC did bring up some great Tennessee whisky…

    USC: … Fine, whatever, can we leave now?

    NCAA: Oh no, we aren’t done yet, we are also going to penalize you some scholarships over the next few years and you can’t play in bowl games for the next two years either.

    USC: So you are punishing us now for what a guy did who graduated half a decade ago?

    NCAA: Well you should have known about it! Lack of institutional control, you guys were running fast and loose over there. It was a pattern of behavior after all.

    USC: What are we supposed to do? Bug his phones? Monitor his bank accounts??

    NCAA: Well no, i don’t think either of those are legal.

    USC: And whadda mean lack of insitutional control, you are talking about one guy right? Or are there other players involved that we should know about??

    NCAA: Nope, just the one guy.

    USC: So you deduced a pattern of behavior from the actions of one guy?

    NCAA: Well yeah, but he was a really good one guy.

    USC: Do you even know what pattern means??

    NCAA: Can we phone a friend? Ivy League maybe?

    USC: So because of the actions of one player, which we didn’t even know about, we have to rewrite history and forfeit a bunch of games, punish the players who are here know none of whom were here when it happened and lose scholarships?

    NCAA: Yep! You got it!

    USC: ….

    USC: Stop grinning like an idiot and give me some of that damn whiksey.

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