3 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @SportsRadio610: @ESPN_Big12 …

  1. David K.

    Well THAT would be interesting. Would the Pac-10 seek to add Texas Tech, Oklahoma and Oklahoma State at that point? Who would be the 16th school? Texas A&M? Kansas? Would the Big 12-3 Invite TCU to fill Texas spot? BYU?

  2. Brendan Loy

    Would the Pac-10 seek to add Texas Tech, Oklahoma and Oklahoma State at that point?

    I seriously doubt it. Texas was always the necessary centerpiece of the Pac-16. Do the Red Raiders, Sooners and Cowboys add enough value to justify further diluting the pool of money by dividing it 15 or 16 ways, instead of 12? I seriously doubt it. I could see an offer to Oklahoma only, maybe, if it made geographic sense… but it doesn’t.

  3. David K.

    Probably right. I’m not sure going Indy would really be in Texas best long term interests though. Sure it seems good right now while they are riding high, but imagine a few years down the road when the hit a bump in the road and are winning less than 10 games a year. Without a conference they start losing some pecking order in the bowls and a tougher shot at BCS spots. 9-3 or even conceivably 8-4 Texas could still win it’s conference and be BCS game bound or end up in a high enough profile bowl game. No conference? They end up like Irish going to the Gator Bowl. There are other reasons too, but really, they have a sweetheart deal from the Big 12 right now and basically run the show as proven by recent events. Why give that up?

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