4 thoughts on “Twitter: Really wish I …

  1. Jim Kelly

    I’ll be there, I’m pretty sure (planning on stopping on the way to museums). Want pictures?

    I’m thinking of making a sign mocking both the Sharpton and Beck supporters in one sign. Ideas?

  2. Brendan Loy

    I’d be tempted to make a sign with photos of Beck, Sharpton, and maybe Palin, and underneath the photos, in large bold print, simply the word “DEMAGOGUES.”

    Alternatively, you could go with something simple and text-only, like, “A POX ON BOTH YOUR HOUSES” or “YOU’RE ALL IDIOTS.”

    Or, okay, this would require some Photoshop skills, but how about a photo of Beck next to a photo of Sharpton, each wearing a t-shirt that says “I’M WITH STUPID”? Hahahaha

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