2 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @toddstarnes: Mall …

  1. gahrie

    As I tweeted…

    Maybe Beck’s crowd were just the type of people who don’t litter in our nation’s capital?

  2. Brendan Loy

    Whereas Obama’s crowd was “the type of people” who do? Careful…

    Look, this is a stupid argument, really. Was there less litter per capita from Beck’s people? Maybe. On the other hand, maybe it was SO MUCH MORE CROWDED at Obama’s inaugural that it was that much harder to get to trash cans. It also lasted a lot longer, no? And it would’ve taken a lot longer to get to & from? Certainly, the Obama inaugural had an order of magnitude more people than the Beck rally, and it’s a very different type of event, a lot more security, so much longer lines and more packed crowds, etc. etc. It’s really not an apples-to-apples comparison at all.

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