2 thoughts on “Twitter: Thank God there’s …

  1. David K.

    Come on, no one is defending those bowls when they talk about tradition, other than the tradition of simply having bowl games.

    To follow up on some of your earlier “tweets” as the kids like to call them these days 😉

    1) Reducing the number of bowls is not a bad idea in my mind. It used to be you had to have a winning record to go to a bowl game when you had 11 game seasons. I think we should go back to that. 7-5 to go to a bowl game. Only if there are remaining spots are a few select 6-6 teams allowed to go bowling.

    2) In most years the Alamo Bowl is also played in January, don’t lump it in with the defunct International Bowl and the new Kraft Figth Hunger Bowl.

    3) You missed the obvious problems with the naming of these games. We should go back to having non-sponsored bowl names. The San Francisco Bowl presented by Kraft. The only one that ever made sense to me was the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl. Unless the sponsor and the Bowl name go together it should never be allowed in the titles (the Tropicana Orange bowl would be allowed, the Nokia Sugar Bowl would not, etc.)

  2. kcatnd

    I don’t have a problem with sponsored bowl names, as long as there’s a “real” bowl name in it. For example, the Capital One Citrus Bowl was fine, but the Capital One Bowl is just annoying, even if names like that are a necessary thing to keep funding alive.

    The FedEx Orange Bowl or Discover Orange Bowl are also good, but they should be required by law to step aside if Tropicana ever makes a play for it!

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