Twitter: Nifty animated unemployment …
Twitter: Nifty animated unemployment map: Apparently, all jobs are now in Montana, the Dakotas, Nebraska & Kansas. #gofigure
Twitter: Nifty animated unemployment map: Apparently, all jobs are now in Montana, the Dakotas, Nebraska & Kansas. #gofigure
Twitter: Obama: Republicans want to “bamboozle” voters “They don’t have a single idea that’s different from George Bush’s ideas”
Twitter: In op-ed headlined “Welcome to the Recovery,” Geither cites report claiming gov’t actions have saved 8M jobs, 6.5% GDP
Twitter: #PANIC RT: @cinematical: The Apocalypse is Near: Justin Bieber’s 3D Biopic Announced
As a Trojan, I generally have no particular interest in revisiting December 2, 2006 more often than necessary. It is truly a date which will live in infamy. ESPN ranks it #42 on the all-time list of most painful college football losses, but for me personally, it’s #1, trailing only a certain basketball game on my all-sports list of most… Read more »
Twitter: Does anyone else find themselves missing the quaint days of Obama campaign scandals? NOT GOD BLESS AMERICA, GOD DAAAAMN AMERICA!! #memories
Asked brendan to make popcorn and he just held up a bottle of balsamic vinegar and asked me if it was oil. #hewouldstarvewithoutme
Twitter: RT @stevesilberman: Science headline of the week: “Monkeys hate flying squirrels, report monkey-annoyance experts” –
Four loads of laundry folded and put away! #momversusnever endinglaundrypile
Twitter: Seconded! RT @politicalmath: Is there a conference for skeptical, snarky, pessimistic libertarians? I’d love to grab a beer w/ @dmataconis