Twitter: This retweet is …
Twitter: This retweet is dedicated to David K. RT @CoachSark: Woof, woof, woof!!!!!!
Twitter: This retweet is dedicated to David K. RT @CoachSark: Woof, woof, woof!!!!!!
Twitter: RT @levarburton: Watching TNG on BBC… One of approx. 100 episodes I’ve never seen. #BBCAmerica FTW!
Twitter: How much to send it into space with Beck, Palin & Sharpton aboard? RT @ABC Want a Space Shuttle? All You Need is $28.8M
Twitter: Finally gave in, went upstairs and cuddled with crying baby in rockingchair. She fell asleep. So did I, for a while.
Twitter: Screaming baby upstairs; will not sleep. Argh. #waaaaah #waaaaaaaah
Twitter: MY TEAM RULES, YOUR TEAM SUCKS #americanpoliticaldiscourse RT @Voldematt: AMEN! RT @diesel_lady My motto: “If Liberals like it…I HATE IT!”
Twitter: RT @zachbloxham: @brendanloy Re: Angle. 60% of the people who DID vote in NVGOP primary voted against her! #runoff!!!
Twitter: Next time, vote in the primary! RT @Pres_Bartlet: Most NV Republicans would prefer candidate other than Sharron Angle.
Twitter: Olbermann’s finally lost it RT @dmataconis: WTF ?????? RT @KeithOlbermann: Toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat