Twitter: “Not God Bless …
Twitter: “Not God Bless Texas, God DAAAAMN Texas!” #betterreverendwright
Twitter: “Not God Bless Texas, God DAAAAMN Texas!” #betterreverendwright
Twitter: RT @News8Austin: President Obama flashes the Heisman pose and a gives a Hook ’em Horns sign. | VOTE PALIN 2012! #justkidding #ihatetexas
Twitter: RT @ezraklein: When exactly do Republicans think taxes stop raising money? Opinions differ:
Twitter: Obama Admin. discovers new revenue stream; fiscal crisis solved! RT @tommyxtopher: F**KING White House vending machine took $3.50 from me!
Twitter: RT @ndtex: function panic_mode() { while (true) { echo (“PANIC!”); } } while (true) { panic_mode (); } #CurrentStatusInPHP #YesImANerd
FriendFeed: CO-Sen, CO-Gov: Bennet Retains Small Edge, Republicans Locked in Tossups
Twitter: Lieberman for sure. Gotta be high to come up with “Joementum.” RT @jmartpolitico: How many senators familiar with basic mechanics of a bong?
Twitter: You know what happened 6 hrs, 6 mins & 6 secs after 05:06:07 08/09/10? Why, 08/09/10 11:12:13! And note the 6-6-6! #antichrist #obama #PANIC
Twitter: 05:06:07 08/09/10 won’t happen again until 2110… unless you live in Europe, in which case it’ll happen next month (on Sept. 8). @Trojan81
Twitter: RANDOM NUMBERS ALERT! Exactly 6 minutes and 7 seconds after 5:00 AM today, it was 05:06:07 08/09/10. (via @Trojan81) #iwasasleep