Programming note

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In honor of the beginning of Notre Dame football season… and in keeping with tradition, I will be watching “Rudy” starting at 8:30 PM Mountain Time tonight — and live-tweeting as I do so. I’ll probably put some sort of live-tweet window thingy here on the blog, or you can always just go to my Twitter timeline.

UPDATE: I changed my mind. I’m afraid live-tweeting would inevitably become live-snarking — that’s the nature of Twitter, and besides, what else would I say other than silly/snarky comments? — and I don’t want to watch “Rudy” with snark in my heart. So there will be no live-tweeting, though it’s possible I may post an occasional tweet if the spirit strikes me. But no stream-of-consciousness sort of deal.

This post will self-destruct in a few minutes.

3 thoughts on “Programming note

  1. Casey

    Rudy is an atrocious film.

    Rudy should have taken the same dumbass steelworking job that his ancestors had. Instead he abandons his woman (not to mention his principles) to pursue his dream of being a football player, despite being undersized and undertalented. His one supposedly laudable characteristic, his “heart”, is in fact a deep seated psychological obssession with football that properly required medication. My personal theory is that Rudy’s obssession with football was a psychological diversion so that he didn’t have to deal with his homosexuality.

    The message of Rudy is that Notre Dame football corrupts the values of good hard working Americans. Unlike USC football, which is both entertaining and salutary for the moral fiber.

  2. gahrie

    I have a friend who played football at USC in the 90’s..and he has never seen Rudy. He walks out of the room if it comes on….

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