12 thoughts on “Twitter: The Unstoppable Sarah …

  1. dcl

    The difference between Palin and Jindal: though I disagree with a number of Jindal’s positions, I would at least trust the man with the nations Nuclear codes.

  2. AMLTrojan

    I don’t worry about that with Palin, she’s not going to start any wars. She just might not be as diplomatic as some would prefer (think Dubya’s alleged “cowboy” diplomacy but with a rural Alaskan twang instead).

  3. Alasdair

    dcl #4 – you and Brendan trust Mr Obama wih the nation’s nuclear codes … not exactly an encouraging behaviour …

  4. dcl

    What, you think he’s going to wake up one day, and think, you know what today seems like a nice day to nuke Pakistan. Because I’m afraid Sara might do something like that. So Al, do stop being blindly partisan. It’s both asinine and stupid, and rather tiring.

  5. Sandy Underpants

    LOL, AML just proved that Republicans are incapable of learning from history. We’ll be at war all over the place (unofficially) if Palin becomes president. She even said in an interview that it would be a good idea for Obama to bomb Iran to help his poll numbers. Who the hell thinks like that?

  6. gahrie

    She even said in an interview that it would be a good idea for Obama to bomb Iran to help his poll numbers. Who the hell thinks like that?

    How about every politician since (and probably before) Machiavelli?

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