Heisman hopeless

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Well after the Huskies melt-down today against visiting Nebraska I think its safe to say that Jake Locker’s chances of winning the Heisman are just slightly better than Sarah Palin’s chances of winning the Democratic nomination for President in 2012.

The haters are going to hoot and holler about how right they were all along and that “overrated” Jake Locker should never have been in the discussion.

These people are dead wrong.

Look, i’m not saying he should be in the discussion NOW. It goes without saying that barring an amazing 10 game win streak with some spectacular performances that its just not gonna happen. Of course thats why we play the games. Based on the past though, I think Jake absolutely deserved to be in the discussion. Anyone who had watched him play could see his raw talent, his ability to keep the Huskies in games was amazing. Especially when you consider just how bad the supporting cast he had was during his career. Not to mention the amount of time he lost due to some unfortunate injuries. I don’t care if you took Tim Tebow and mixed his DNA with Vince Young to create the super hybrid Tince Youngbow, no one could have done much more with the Huskies, especially during the Willingham years. So lets just drop the talk about how he has “done nothing”. No player, no matter how good can make up for a bad team. It’s a lot easier to put up monster numbers when your backs can run, your receivers can catch, your line can block, and your defense keeps the other team from scoring. Couple the raw talent with the improvements the Huskies made under first year Coach Steve Sarkisian and its absolutely understandable to see why pundits thought there was potential.

Its also important to note, that in all the hate that will certainly come that Jake Locker himself wasn’t the one generating the hype. Media minds and NFLscouts were the ones drumming this up, Locker is about the most down to earth guy you can meet. He opted for team loyalty and finishing what he started rather than NFL millions by staying for his senior season with the Huskies.

So question the critics analysis, but treat Locker with the respect he has earned with some stellar on field play and stellar off field behavior.

11 thoughts on “Heisman hopeless

  1. Pingback: Basking in Relaxing… | Suddenly Single Journey

  2. gahrie

    I’m making a joke on a post about college football for Christ’s sake!

    And you guys say conservatives have no sense of humor……

  3. B. Minich


    Well, seeing as I’m a conservative, or at least more rightward than leftward, I probably count as one of the humorless. But you did bring up the politics here. Anyways, I’m giving this one a rest.

  4. Matt Wiser

    I think he looked at the horrifying future of being drafted first by the Bills and realized his only hope was to sabotage himself.

  5. AMLTrojan

    No player, no matter how good can make up for a bad team. It’s a lot easier to put up monster numbers when your backs can run, your receivers can catch, your line can block, and your defense keeps the other team from scoring.

    Just a week ago, you were selling U-Dub as a strong, middle-of-the-Pac team that exhibited those strengths. I couldn’t figure out why; at BYU, it was obvious to me this was the same old Locker: strong arm, but questionable accuracy and decision-making.

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