10 thoughts on “Twitter: AHL’s Hartford Wolf …

  1. David K.

    I know it may come across as overly PC, but I think its a good thing they went with Whale rather than Whalers 🙂

  2. gahrie

    hmmm..so politics is OK on a hockey post..but not on a football post…

    Does somebody have a copy of the rulebook I can read?

  3. Brendan Loy

    Gahrie, what started as you criticizing David for being a bit officious and irritating about threadjacking has now become… you being officious and irritating about David’s response to your threadjacking.

    Let. It. Go.

  4. David K.

    gahrie, there was a substantial difference in the comment you made on the Jake Locker/Heisman post and my comment on the Reggie Bush/Al Gore/Barack Obama post.

    Your comment was clearly targeted at me in an antagonistic fashion on a post completly unrelated to what you were talking about, i.e. trolling.
    My comment was targeted at no one and just continued the theme of the original post.

  5. David K.

    Now if you had made a post about going to see your favorite group/singer in concert and I then posted a comment that said “Oh yeah, well [insert group] voted for Obama and supports health care reform”, that too would be trolling and a-hole ish.

  6. gahrie

    OK..Let me see if I get the rules here.

    Making constant personal attacks on me and public conservative figures such as Palin and Bush is OK.

    Reposting jokes about politics on posts about Reggie Bush is OK.

    Making a political joke on a post about a hockey team’s name is OK.

    Making a political joke about Locker is apparently out of bounds.

    My comment about Locker was NOT threadjacking, was not offensive given what is regularly posted on this site and mentioned no one by name.

  7. David K.

    To make it more clear, none of what you just said was true. And yes your comment was thread jacking, and yes it was directed at me.

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