9 thoughts on “Twitter: Per @fivethirtyeight, high …

  1. Brendan Loy

    Yes, but the thinking is that folks who tend to vote Republican were motivated to vote anyway, whereas folks who tend to vote Democrat were not. In California, though, the polls show little evidence of this “enthusiasm gap,” with pro-legalization youth/Dems being a likely reason.

  2. gahrie

    The marijuana ballot proposition has actually been pretty low key out here so far, with most people assuming it will pass. Marijuana has already been effectively legalized already anyway. A medical marijuana card is extremely easy to get and there are dozens of vendors who will delivery the product to your door in every city.

  3. Joe Loy

    Curse you, Brendan Loy: you’re right! 🙂 There’ll be noooo pre-emptive Strikes upon yer Fadduh. Fie. :> Actually it’s George Carlin (RIP) who said it but I happily Stole it. / Well, let’s hope the High turner-outers can Remember the route to the polling place. ;}

  4. Alasdair

    Hmmm … I wonder how well the “Get Out Reggae Vote !” campaign will work in San Francisco …

    (innocent grin)

  5. Sandy Underpants

    The sober masses have been telling me that if the pot prop passes the feds will prevent it from going into state law. Remember we the Californians “legalized it” back in the 90s and the next day the state government let us know that we couldn’t do that.

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