6 thoughts on “Twitter: WTF is wrong …

  1. Joe Mama

    And of course, Nancy Pelosi thought Colbert was “great.” This is telling on many different levels:

    “Of course I think it’s appropriate. He’s an American, right? He came before the committee. He has a point of view. He can bring attention to an important issue like immigration. I think it’s great.”

    I doubt many people were thinking seriously about immigration during Colbert’s testimony. Evidently it’s appropriate for any American with a point of view to testify before Congress? Idiot.

  2. Alasdair

    Brendan #2 – if it is a trap, they will have either Greg Gutfeld or Jon Stewart there, too … the punchline requires it – “It’s a TRAP ! There were TWO of them !”

  3. David K.

    I don’t see what the big deal is, clearly Rep Lofgren realized that Congress needed something to make them laugh given the low approval ratings and otherwise tough job they have. Just a little morale boost is all 🙂

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