Big East eyeing TCU?

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Well here’s an expansion idea I never would have imagined. The Big East, who are considering options to shore up their conference after the last wave of expansion, is apparently looking at TCU as a potential conference member according to this New York Post story. The schools has been successful both academically and athletically, but geographically its a bit of a stretch. It wouldn’t be the first time the Big East pushed outside its main geographic region though, as the University of South Florida, who joined the Conference in 2005 is significantly seperated from the rest of the league. Access to Texas’s coveted recruiting might also entice the league.

Such a move would certainly help TCU’s BCS chances as a member of an AQ league, and would strike a significant blow to the Mountain West, who face some setback with the loss of Utah and BYU next season. By the time this all shakes out, who knows, Hawaii might end up being invited to the Big East!

8 thoughts on “Big East eyeing TCU?

  1. JD

    Given that the nearest current Big East football school is probably South Florida and second-nearest is Louisville, that’s a huge jump. As in, Louisiana-Tech-in-the-WAC jump.

    OTOH, it makes slightly more sense if and only if the Big East intends to show interest in the non-Texas Big Not-12-Anymore schools in event of Conference Armageddon. (Which it may well have to as a matter of self-preservation if Big Television goes after Syracuse and/or Rutgers and the SEC looks at West Virginia.)

  2. Kenneth Stern

    Somewhat off topic, but Brendan did you notice that College Football News (which is affiliated with Fox Sports) which ranks all 120 FBS teams, ranks 1-3 Notre Dame above 4-0 USC!! Obiously a vast right wing conspiracy.

  3. Brendan Loy

    Heh. I think that ranking is potentially justifiable. I’ve been saying for the last two weeks that it’s not at all clear to me how much better USC is than ND. I feel much less confident right now about the November game than I did about the November 2006 game, when both teams were highly ranked, the Irish had only 1 loss, but it was clear to me that USC was vastly superior. This year, Notre Dame has played a much tougher schedule than USC to date, and lost two close games to borderline Top 25 teams, and got blown out by a legit Top 10 team. Who’s to say USC wouldn’t also be 1-3 against the same schedule? Certainly not me. The Trojans have looked like crap, though they appeared improved against Wazzu, but the local powder puff team’s second stringers would look much improved against Wazzu.

    As for the TCU thing, I think you’re right about Sports Bubble Ten schools. The Big East showed clear interest in Kansas when it looks like Pac-16-mageddon was imminent. No reason to believe they wouldn’t look west again the next time the conferences are melting down.

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