Twitter: …#AndIdeallyInAYearWhenItCantHurtUSC
Twitter: …#AndIdeallyInAYearWhenItCantHurtUSC
Twitter: …#AndIdeallyInAYearWhenItCantHurtUSC
Twitter: We’re 5:14 from either another Boise State miracle, or me becoming a big TCU fan. #SomeoneMustBlowUpTheBCSDammit
Twitter: RT @JeremySBN: Admiral Ackbar for Ole Miss mascot | Could have warned them paying Jax State $300k was a TRAP!!
Twitter: RT @LisaHorne: I’m a little irritated at Herbie and Brent harping on the trick play aspect. Like that’s what it’s going to take to win.
Twitter: The Boise State Trick Play(TM) is a delay of game penalty?
Twitter: Time for a fake punt?
Twitter: RT @DrSaturday: RT @wesrucker: People who say Boise can’t compete on a weekly basis are same people w/ archaic belief that Pac-10 is a sissy league. Silly.
Twitter: Announcers desperate for the Boise State Trick Play(TM).
Twitter: RT @GeorgeSchroeder: OK, Coach Pete. Where’s that bag? Whatcha got for us?
Twitter: RT @Teddy1090: Upcoming drive huge for #BSU down by 4