Twitter: #PANIC!! RT @Drudge_Siren: …
Twitter: #PANIC!! RT @Drudge_Siren: FACEBOOK down for second day in a row…
Twitter: #PANIC!! RT @Drudge_Siren: FACEBOOK down for second day in a row…
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — The House approves a $42 billion bill to aid small businesses. The bill now goes to President Obama for signature.
Twitter: snark snark snark snark snark #genericTweets
Twitter: LOL! #ColoradoGOPclusterf__k2010 RT @tpmmedia: Dan Maes calls Tom Tancredo an ‘illegal immigrant’ in Colorado guv race
Twitter: unsupportable sports analysis based on homerism or hatred of referenced team/conference #genericTweets
Twitter: RT @wxchannel: TD 15 formed in the Caribbean. Hurricane watch for Nicaragua & Honduras. Model tracks: #Matthew #hurricane
Twitter: illiterate ungrammatical nonsense followed by #stupidhashtag #genericTweets
Twitter: RT @MattBarkley: Gotta read this “@Trojan81: Excellent read on how ridiculous the NCAA is… must read for USC fans”
Twitter: One Million Strong For Something-or-Other #GenericFacebookGroups
Twitter: THE NEW FACEBOOK SUCKS! BRING BACK THE OLD FACEBOOK! Sign this pointless petition! #genericFacebookStatusUpdates