Twitter: So this [implicitly …
Twitter: So this [implicitly referenced disliked political event] is how liberty dies, to thunderous applause. #genericTweets
Twitter: So this [implicitly referenced disliked political event] is how liberty dies, to thunderous applause. #genericTweets
Twitter: OMG [Google/Apple] just announced something totally [awesome/lame]!!! #genericTweets
Twitter: #PANIC!!! RT @dmataconis: @brendanloy PANIC OVER EVERYTHING #generictweets also #GenericBrendanLoyTweets
Twitter: [link to article about sports & money] [brief snarky commentary thereon] @midmajority #sportsbubble !! #genericTweets
Twitter: WTF??? @Echofon thinks my current location is “Father’s Day Bank Massacre, Denver, CO 80203, USA.”
Twitter: OMG Twitter is down!!1! #genericTweets
Twitter: OUTRAGE OVER SOMETHING TRIVIAL #genericTweets (also #genericCableNewsProgramming and #genericPartisanTalkingPoints. #ButIRepeatMyself)
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Diabetes drug Avandia to be restricted to patients who can’t control diabetes with other medications, FDA rules.
Twitter: Indecipherable partisan bulls**t spouted by @SarahPalinUSA #genericTweets #plsrefudiate
Twitter: RT @iowahawkblog: Twt in whch I randmly elide vwls in desprt attmpt 2 fnsh cmplt thght tht I cldnt pssbly cmpct w/in Twttr’s rbitry & fscst 140 chrctr lmt