Twitter: “sources said they …
Twitter: “sources said they think realignment will die down for at least the next six to seven years” #doubtful #sportsbubble
Twitter: “sources said they think realignment will die down for at least the next six to seven years” #doubtful #sportsbubble
Twitter: RT @ChipBrownOB: Sources tell Colorado will join the Pac-10 in 2011 with an announcement likely next week. …
Twitter: Imagine how scary the WV poll would be if GOP had picked the candidate with 95% odds in DE instead of the one with 5% odds! @fivethirtyeight
Twitter: RT @fivethirtyeight: @ppppolls results in #WVSEN sound pretty scary for Dems. Not saying that GOP *will* win. But no reason they *couldn’t* win.
Twitter: Whoa. #demPANIC! Alert @fivethirtyeight! RT @pwire: Here’s a shocker: Raese leads Machin in WV-Sen race…
Depending on how Pac-12 re-allignment shakes out, Brendan may or may not get his wish to have USC visit Colorado every other year, but he may get what must certainly be his next wish, the chance to see the University of Idaho basketball team in Denver every season! As part of its plans to stay afloat, the WAC is pursuing… Read more »
Twitter: You don’t say. RT @pwire: Coons up big in DE-Sen race…
Twitter: RT @mzemek: There will be 3-4 months (Jan-early May) in 2011 when most political talk will deal with governance. Then, come summer, 2012 PREZ PRIMARIES!
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Vatican Bank being investigated for possible violations of money-laundering regulations, Bank of Italy tells CNN.
Twitter: Someone seriously needs to go to @StephenAtHome’s fear rally on 10/30 (my birthday) and hold up a giant sign that says simply, “#PANIC!!!”