Twitter: Beer is yummy. …
Twitter: Beer is yummy. So are shots. #loyapalooza
Twitter: Beer is yummy. So are shots. #loyapalooza
Twitter: Things discussed at #loyapalooza: “Interfacing with midget strippers.” #PANIC
Twitter: I went to a #loyapalooza and a serious discussion of the history of evangelical Christianity broke out. #needmorebeer
Twitter: RT @gobblercountry: The Southern Miss band just played GaGa. I don’t know whether that’s awesome or horrible.
Twitter: Things discussed at #loyapalooza: the douchiness of Harry Reid & John Kerry; the idiocy of Jonah Goldberg; the phrase “Jefferson’s assboy.”
Twitter: Aaand @PatrickRuffini just left, but @dlindber joined us. Loyapalooza lives! (and becomes substantially more liberal)
Twitter: Loyapalooza 2010: Renegades Unite! @PatrickRuffini @bcmerrell @brando_minich @pthread @SarahPalinUSA (OK one of those isn’t actually here)
Twitter: Loyapalooza 2010: Renegades Unite! @PatrickRuffini @bcmerrell @brando_minich @pthread @SarahPalinUSA (OK one of those isn’t actually here)
Twitter: Nevada takes a 7-0 lead on Cal! #goboisestate #WACw00t
Twitter: All together in the same place: @brando_minich, @PatrickRuffini, @pthread, @bcmerrell, AMLTrojan and me. #bipartisanship #PANIC #loyapalooza