Twitter: RT @nathanlgonzales: Stu: …
Twitter: RT @nathanlgonzales: Stu: “While tea party activists are jumping for joy at the primary results, it’s Democrats who will have the last laugh in Delaware.”
Twitter: RT @nathanlgonzales: Stu: “While tea party activists are jumping for joy at the primary results, it’s Democrats who will have the last laugh in Delaware.”
Twitter: RT @CMDeB: If the GOP wins 9 seats in Nov, instead of the 10 they need, I will kill the people of Delaware.
Twitter: RT @ppppolls: And O’Donnell’s fav/unfav is 29/50
Twitter: RT @ppppolls: Only 31% of Delaware voters think Christine O’Donnell is fit to hold public office
Twitter: RT @allahpundit: Oy RT @ppppolls: Castle primary voters supports Coons over O’Donnell 44-28 in general election
Twitter: RT @PrestonCNN: GOP official speaking to me re: O’Donnell “Until she demonstrates some viability in the polls we are not going to have any money for her.”
Twitter: RT @chucktodd: Tea Party’s legacy for 2010: Will it be that they re-energized the GOP or that they cost the GOP the senate majority? #nvsen #desen
Twitter: GOP #PANIC RT @mikememoli: The upset of all upsets is official. AP calls DE Senate GOP primary for Christine O’Donnell
Twitter: projects the Democrats will hold onto Senate majority. RT @fixfelicia: AP has called DE SEN for Christine O’Donnell. Whoa.