Twitter: SRSLY!! #omg #KiffinHatersForKiffin …
Twitter: SRSLY!! #omg #KiffinHatersForKiffin RT @trjons: @LisaHorne can someone ask Lane Kiffin why he didn’t have Barkley take a knee with :04 left?
Twitter: SRSLY!! #omg #KiffinHatersForKiffin RT @trjons: @LisaHorne can someone ask Lane Kiffin why he didn’t have Barkley take a knee with :04 left?
Twitter: RT @brando_minich: @brendanloy IT’S A TRAP! ACC should schedule I-AA schools and beat up on them. You know, like JMU . . . oh, wait. The ACC is just bad.
Twitter: RT @DiscoverMag: Hubble’s pic of a distant galaxy gets photobombed by a pushy star by @BadAstronomer
Twitter: RT @ajcgatech: #ACC has now lost its past 30 non-conference games against top-5 teams, stretching back to 2000. | #theACCitsaMASSACRE
Twitter: GO BULLS! RT @midmajority [yesterday]: 50 days til Season 7. TMM100 LEGACY COUNTDOWN #50: Buffalo, Mid-American, 49 pts.
Twitter: RT @midmajority: One beautiful book cover! #1BS will be released on October 16 in dead-tree and Kindle versions. Preorders start 9/15.
Twitter: Red-alert, five-alarm #PANIC!!!!! RT @Drudge_Report: DEMS GREAT HOPE: JUSTIN BIEBER…
Twitter: RT @IMAO_: I don’t like either the nut or the RINO in Delaware. I hope they both lose the primary.
Twitter: Mac Nerd Porn! RT @kevinhoctor: Found several Mac OS disc in my desk.
Twitter: Hmm, I’m going to be hanging out near George Mason later this week… should I buy a Patriots t-shirt? #midswin #caa #bandwagon