Quote of the day

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Pollster: “There’s not a lot of point in breaking down feelings toward Blagojevich along demographic lines because pretty much everyone in the state hates him about the same.”


He’s got 8% favorable ratings, 83% unfavorable, which is apparently the worst rating for a politician that Public Policy Polling has ever seen. And you know those 8% are either family members, close personal friends, or people he personally paid off when he heard PPP had called them. A response to an opinion pollster is a f***ing valuable thing, you know! You can’t expect these poll respondents to give it up for f***ing nothing!

As for Blagojevich’s planned “triumphant political comeback,” I’ve got some free advice for the ex-governor: forget politics. Entertainment is your future. I’m thinking either a sitcom titled “Everybody Hates Blago,” or a reality TV show in which a group of housemates competes for a monetary prize through a series of challenges in which Blago is the judge. The judging would be scrupulously fair, I’m sure. If CBS can have a sitcom called “$#*! My Dad Says,” why can’t Fox have a reality show called “It’s F***ing Golden!”?