8 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @mike_gus24: @brendanloy …

  1. David K.

    Simple, stop nominating poor female candidates. I refuse to believe that O’Donnel and Palin are the best the GOP has to offer, or even the kind of ok.

  2. Cartman

    I was fairly upset at what the DE GOP primary voters did, and I will be the first to admit O’Donnel in particular, but also Palin, are hardly the brightest bulbs. (latest update, so far I do have to say that O’Donnel is at least holding her own Coons, and she doesn’t even need to constantly interrupt like he feels the need to do to her). That being said, yes, they are victims of the constant MSM double standard. I know that liberals like you refuse to even see that MSM bias exists, but let’s face it. O’Donnel admits that she engaged in witchcraft in HS, and THAT becomes the lead in for her and a permanent media tag line. Even CNBC would constantly mention the witchcraft comment when discussing O’Donnel. I thoght her legal name was changed to “Christine O’Donnell, the controversial candidate who said she once dabbled in witchcraft.” Compare that with how the MSM handled Michele Obama’s “proud of my country for the first time in my adult life” comment.

  3. Brendan Loy

    I know that liberals like you refuse to even see that MSM bias exists

    I have acknowledged the existence of MSM bias countless times. I just think conservatives blow it vastly out of proportion, cite it as a catch-all explanation for everything, use it to avoid acknowledging simple facts, and fail to recognize that its effects are often equaled or surpassed by other journalistic errors like laziness, sensationalism, ratings-obsessiveness, obsession with “balance” at the expense of truth, failure to present any sort of context, etc. etc. (There’s also occasionally the “overcompensation for bias” problem.)

    The “witchcraft” thing is a great example of some of that. The media is obsessed with this race, and those comments by O’Donnell, primarily because it’s sexy and sensationalistic, not because it hurts Republicans. Indeed, the media LOVES both O’Donnell and Palin because they’re a huge ratings draw, which is why they get such outsize attention — e.g., why the hell is CNN nationally televising a debate in a Senate race where the Dem leads by 20 points? There is NO CHANCE OF CHRISTINE O’DONNELL WINNING THAT RACE! But they’re covering it because it’s more interesting and exciting than, say, West Virginia or Illinois… why? Because LOOK AT THE CRAZY LADY WHO HATES MASTURBATION AND LOVES WITCHCRAFT!! OMG SHINY!! That’s not a partisan bias, it’s a laziness/sensationalism/ratings bias. Michelle Obama’s comment, by contrast — although it got plenty of coverage, so let’s not kid ourselves here — is far less sexy and shocking and tabloid-ish than anything involving witchcraft or masturbation.

  4. Alasdair

    Cartman – you forget that for some folk, Fox is extreme right-wing and MSNBC is centrist … such folk admit to MSM bias, well, whenever the MSM says even vaguely bad things about The One … notice the “not because it hurts Republicans” – the person uttering that seems to truly believe it, and he is by no means alone in such belief …

  5. Brendan Loy

    Alasdair, you’re being incoherent. Again, I have repeatedly agreed that the MSM has a generalized liberal bias. And I certainly regard MSNBC as the liberal yin to Fox’s conservative yang, at least roughly speaking — by no means is it “centrist.” So in sum, the person you’re describing isn’t me…until you start quoting me. Like I said, incoherent.

  6. David K.

    You are either the best troll in the history of the internet or the stupidest person ive ever known Alasdair.

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