12 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @msbellows: Obama …

  1. AMLTrojan

    Um more like, Obama arrived at a car crash, the victim was bleeding but breathing, and when Obama went to administer first aid, the patient flatlined.

  2. Alasdair

    Brendan – the problem is that Obama is trying to stop the patient’s bleeding by applying leeches – the tried and true response for last millennium, but now known to be sub-optimal (he said, politely) …

  3. David K.

    @Alasdair, and the GOP’s approach would have been to do nothing and let him die. Actually no, i take that back. The GOP would have given him more beer, the same stuff that caused him to crash in the first place. Then let him die.

  4. Alasdair

    David – at this point, it has been well documented that liberals are cheapskates with their own money … conservatives give far more of their own money to charities and worthy (non-political) causes …

    In your analogy, the liberal would have driven past and expected the State to take care of the crash victim – and the conservative would stop to see if he/she could help … that *is* the statisitcally likely analogy …

    Fortunately, some who support the Democrats aren’t such liberals, just as you will find some on the conservative side who give little or nothing to charity … on the whole, however, I find more in common with those who do their mitzvahs privately …

  5. David K.

    Congratulations Alasdair you’ve
    1) Completely missed the point
    2) Made a claim without a single hared of evidence

    Bravo moron

  6. Joe Mama

    More like Obama arrived on the scene and figured the best thing to is drag the victim from the wreck, in blatant disregard of what everyone else knows — that accident victims shouldn’t be moved by bystanders. Making the injuries worse, the victim dies while Obama proudly says, “See, I stopped the bleeding!”

  7. AMLTrojan

    You’re forgetting though, that Dubya is the one who drove the car into the ditch and imperiled the victim.

    By the way, Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.

    The GOP would have given him more beer, the same stuff that caused him to crash in the first place.

    If we’re going to hold to the analogy at hand, I think everyone here would have to agree that Bernanke is the one providing the open containers in the car, after Greenspan let everyone get drunk off their asses from the punchbowl at the party. Dubya initially took the keys from Greenspan drove everyone home from the party, but he was swerving all over the road while the occupants were arguing about Iraq, and everyone in the car was pissed that they might draw attention and get pulled over, so they put the GOP in the back and turned the wheel over to the Dems, who promptly slowed the car down to 15 miles under the speed limit, then ran the car off into the road once Obama, Pelosi, and Reid all tried to fit into the driver’s seat at the same time.

    Anyway, back to msbellows’ original analogy, the key problem is the assertion that Obama stopped the bleeding. Really? Does the economy look like it’s stopped bleeding to you? Even if Obama stopped the bleeding, he did it by wrapping the gauze so tight around the victim that he can’t breathe and recover, then turned his attention and energy to Obamacare before glancing back and noticing the victim was damn near on life support. The blood stains aren’t the problem here, it’s the assertion that Obama and the Dems have remotely done a decent job of dealing with the problems at hand.

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