The Halloween decorations in our neighborhood are outta control. Now I feel like I should put some up. #suburbia #KeepingUpWithTheJoneses
The Halloween decorations in our neighborhood are outta control. Now I feel like I should put some up. #suburbia #KeepingUpWithTheJoneses
1. Halloween decorations, out of control? Seriously? I mean, most places they’ll put a pumpkin or two out (natural or artificial), maybe a skeleton on a window, and call it good.
1a. But perhaps I am underestimating your neighborhood, and it leans more toward the “40,000-watt Nativity scenes” type of area.
2. At least they aren’t Christmas decorations. (Yet…)
2a. In which case, if 1a is true, be afraid. Be very afraid.
3. Political signs can be scary too. 😛 Put out a jumbo “Tancredo For Governor” sign and see what happens. Imagine the bloodcurdling screams from the parents coming around on trick-or-treat night.
JD – for all of Obama’s failings, it’s not *quite* yet time for the signs saying “Come back, Lord North; all is forgiven !” …
This reminds me, I’ve been seeing Christmas stuff in Home Depot and Lowe’s since shortly after Labor Day. LABOR DAY. Unfreakingbelievable.
In 10 years they are going to just start changing the Christmas Decorations on New Years day each year.