4 thoughts on “Twitter: Giant Douche! RT …

  1. Brendan Loy

    Not exactly. He was talking about how people are hurting, and mused (words to the effect of), “It doesn’t make them feel any better for me to say ‘But For Me, We’d Be In World-Wide Depression.'” So he wasn’t literally making that claim, but was noting, out loud, that… it wouldn’t help him politically to make that claim! Which is true! As this proves! Though again, technically he’s not making the claim, he’s merely talking about what would happen if he did make the claim… but that distinction is far too meta for virtually anyone to grasp.

    What is it with Democrats and saying things out loud that they ought to keep to themselves?

  2. Brendan Loy

    Heh. True. But I guess I expect this sort of thing from wingnuts like Paladino or O’Donnell (or, say, Alvin Greene or Alan Grayson). It’s a bit more surprising coming from a party leader like Reid. Although, not really surprising, actually, because he is, after all, a Giant Douche.

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