17 thoughts on “Twitter: My political paraphernalia …

  1. Brendan Loy

    I’m center-left. I’ve never claimed otherwise. I went through a phase where I was a bit closer to the true center, but I make no bones about being left of center. I don’t know why you feel the need to bring this up repeatedly in various contexts, as if I’m hiding my true colors as someone who usually supports Democrats, albeit often with reservations.

    In any case, this is also a terrible example of your point. The fact that I have these people’s buttons or stickers doesn’t necessarily mean I support or supported them. See, e.g., Dan Maes (ha!), Ralph Nader, McCain-Palin (!). Also, some of these are from before I was born, and were inherited from my dad’s political button collection. I know this may shock you, but having been born in 1981, I was not a huge Jimmy Carter or (at age 3) Walter Mondale supporter.

  2. David K.

    Ok gahrie, explain to me why post #5 isn’t whining.

    I’m merely pointing out your lack of respect for facts and logic.

  3. gahrie

    Tell you what explain it to me, since your definition is apparently different from anyone else’s.

    I make a joke that nearly all the regulars on this site have made (including me previously), use no one’s name, and I get labeled a troll.

    You write constant posts ignoring the topic and making personal attacks using my name, and that isn’t trolling.

  4. Joe Loy

    B. Minich (#4), I don’t think I have an “I Like Ike” sticker but I do have a prized Republican item — a plastic pocket-protector — circa 1961/’62, bearing the inscription: “I MISS IKE. (Hell, I even miss Harry.”)

    But I see that Brendan’s display does include an antique lapel button from the Republican National Convention of 1964, at the Cow Palace ;> in San Francisco (proclaiming “I Was There”). That souvenir was brought home by his paternal grandmother, who was indeed There, as a Guest of the CT delegation & a diehard Nelson Rockefeller supporter — much to her firstborn son’s Goldwatery annoyance, back in those misspent days of my foolish Youth. :}

    [BTW, I DO like Ike. Good president. Peace & prosperity. Built the interstate highway system. Deterred & Contained the Red Russkies. Held press conferences that were Funny — albeit Unintentionally so, unlike those of his exquisitely Witty successor. :]

  5. David K.

    How is calling you out for ignoring facts and logic a personal attack? Note to gahrie, criticism DOES NOT EQUAL personal attack.

    Further, you weren’t making a joke anyone else had made, you were making the comment in a completely unrelated post and you were clearly aiming it at me. THAT is what makes it trolling.

    Quit pretending you are the victim here, it’s pathetic and it only makes you look like a cry baby in addition to being a right wing partisian hack.

  6. Alasdair

    gahrie – I suspect that this post and its comments (especially #11) should have the additional tag projection on steroids

    Venerable Loy (#10) – if I may ask, which successor do you consider to be “exquisitely Witty” ?

  7. David K.

    And of course we can’t go without a visit from the king Troll himself. I suppose its comforting in a way to know that you are as predictable as ever Alasdair…

  8. David K.

    Incidentally Alasdair, claiming “projection” is basically the blog equivalent of “i know you are but what am I”. It’s childish and irritating. Grow up.

  9. Joe Loy

    Estimable Alasdair (#12) – (a) Yes, you may Ask. (b) Why, Ike’s immediate successor, of course. Who’d you think I meant, Nixon? ;>

    Exempli gratia: excerpt, Presidential press conference, State Department Auditorium,
Washington, D.C.,
July 17, 1963
4:00 P.M. EDST:

    QUESTION [from longtime White House correspondent May Craig]: Mr. President, do you think that Mrs. Murphy should have to take into her home a lodger whom she does not want, regardless of her reason, or would you accept a change in the civil rights bill to except small boardinghouses like Mrs. Murphy’s?

    THE PRESIDENT: The question would be, it seems to me, Mrs. Craig, whether Mrs. Murphy had a substantial impact on interstate commerce.

    [Assembled journalists guffaw; U.S. Attorney General covers face with hand to conceal giggling; POTUS turns head aside to maintain semblance of Gravitas :]

  10. Alasdair

    Ahhhh – *that* one !

    I was just hoping that you didn’t mean Carter (or Ford) …

    And who knew that Heidi Fleiss had previously been Heidi Murphy ? (grin)

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