6 thoughts on “Twitter: Regarding the prospect …

  1. Brendan Loy

    Heh. I knew someone would point that out. I am, of course, attempting to be humorous. There’s nothing “Un-American” about Sharron Angle. She’s just unfit for office. But unfit-for-office high officeholders are as American as apple pie!

  2. AMLTrojan

    I dunno, “#GodDaaamnAmerica”? When douchebags like Pelosi and Reid win elections and run the country, I don’t come close to thinking #GodDaaamnAmerica”, I think “#GodDaaamnGOP for screwing things up so badly that the country would actually get suckered into voting for liberals”, and “#WeAreF*cked”.

  3. Brendan Loy

    I have frequently made the “God Daaaaamn America” joke before, not always in a partisan context, but usually when I am disgusted by extremism on either side (or both sides) For instance, I’m fairly certain I said something similar about that day over the summer when Glenn Beck and Al Sharpton were both simultaneously protesting in D.C. I’ve also applied it to things like media criticism, such as when the country gets all ridiculously caught up in some non-story or psuedo-outrage, political or not. When I feel like people are being successfully demagogued to, are getting caught up in some big fraudulent bunch of nonsense, or are making embarrassingly dumb political choices (I would surely have said it about Ray Nagin’s re-election if Rev. Wright had been on the scene by then), I sometimes bust out the “God Daaaaamn America.” Again, it’s a JOKE — I don’t actually agree with Rev. Wright one iota. But like I said, occasionally, when I get fed up, “I almost sorta want to channel” him.

    (On Twitter, my conservative friend Zach Bloxham gets it: “@brendanloy Thought the same thing about “Senator” Franken. #GDAmerica.” I responded: “Heh.”)

    Admittedly, Angle isn’t actually the best example because Reid is also such a bad choice. But this is a mini-meme of mine, and one that’s intended to be funny, not a serious political commentary about how much Amerikkka sucks because people vote for Republicans sometimes.

  4. AMLTrojan

    You’re still validating my point, and I don’t find anything humorous about it. You jump straight to blaming the victim.

    I accept that there are snake oil salesmen out there, and that occasionally they will have successes and people will succumb to their charms. See: Franken; Obama. That’s human. The frustration and anger for me is more inward — or more accurately, towards the representatives of good ideas and governance for failing and making a mockery of their beliefs, opening the door for the snake oil to become appealing in the first place.

    The tragedy is not that “Amerikkka sucks”, the tragedy is that there are too many Trent Lotts and so few Ronald Reagans. And worse, just a handful of Trent Lotts can ruin it for dozens of potential Ronald Reagans.

  5. Brendan Loy

    Blaming the victim? The victim of what? I just like (jokingly) saying “God daaaaamn America,” mostly because of the multiple a’s. You’re really reading too much into it. Sharron Angle winning a Senate seat is NOT an indictment of America, and I don’t blame America for her potential win. (I blame Harry Reid!) I’m sorry you don’t find it funny, but even granting that, you’re still analyzing it on a much too serious plane.

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