9 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @JoeGandelman: @dmataconis …

  1. Brendan Loy

    Alvin Greene — who, unlike Christine O’Donnell, did NOT win an extremely high-profile primary in which his manifest flaws were already on display for both the state and the nation to see (virtually nobody had even heard of him until he bizarrely won); has NOT been embraced by huge swaths of his side’s core ideological movement; has NOT been held up as a folk hero against the Evil Establishment and the Lamestream Media and Sexist Liberal Elites (or whatever the equivalent liberal bogeymen would be); and has NOT seen millions upon millions of dollars pour into his campaign coffers because of this widespread national support — is, without a doubt, likewise not only not ready for Prime Time, but not ready for test pattern hours.

    Put another way, Democratic voters in a low-profile, relatively low-turnout South Carolina primary, acting with very little information because nobody was paying much attention to the race or spending money on it or really campaigning at all, behaved just as stupidly and foolishly in their candidate selection as…… the bulk of national Tea Party and conservative movement in this country, acting with full information and awareness of the nature of its chosen candidate.

    So, uh, you win?

  2. Alasdair

    If O’Donnel (with all her warts) wins over Coons, the *country* wins … and that should tell you how good a candidate Coons is …

    Just like Bush II was found to be the better candidate than Kerry by a significant majority of the electorate in the 2004 Presidential Election – and Kerry was the best candidate the Dems could find at the time …

    So, yes, like in 2004, the country *can* win, in spite of the disdain and contempt of the elite for a mere mortal, flaws and all, like Bush … or O’Donnell …

    And the elite will not like it any better next week, if O’Donnell wins, than they have done for the years since the 2004 election …

  3. Alasdair

    One of these days, we have to hope that the elite of this country can start to deal with issues as the important stuff rather than personalities and surface characteristics …

    For the rational amongst us, it is Obama/Pelosi/Reid’s policies that we dislike, not the fact that they are half-black/female/a weasel …

  4. Brendan Loy

    Alasdair, just so we’re clear on something:


    I just don’t want you to be all disappointed.

  5. Alasdair

    Brendan – since apparently *you* are not clear on this …

    If Angle loses, she loses … I won’t be disapointed because she lost, because at least she tried to bring important issues up for public discussion …

    I *will* be disappointed if Coons wins, because it will mean that the electorate was more swayed by perceptions than by issues … and, in a representative republic, that is sad …

  6. Brendan Loy

    You’re mixing up Angle (NV) and O’Donnell (DE). Angle is likely to win (over Reid). O’Donnell has no chance (against Coons).

    O’Donnell will lose because she is manifestly a loon. Many things are wrong with the body politic in this country, but the rejection of manifest loons is not one of them. (And yes, gahrie, Alvin Greene is a loon too.)

  7. Alasdair

    Fascinating !

    Apparently, my Freudian kicked in – since I care about Angle winning, O’Donnell only because of the reason I stated …

    I *still* would prefer the O’Donnell-Coons race to have been about issues, not personality quirks …

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