Enter my Election Prediction Contest!

      5 Comments on Enter my Election Prediction Contest!

Election Day is five days away, and that can mean only two things: one, conservatives are practically wetting themselves with glee and excitement, while Democrats flip-flop between desperate hope and abject #PANIC!!!; and two, it’s time for the Living Room Times 2010 Midterm Election Prediction Contest!

As always with LRT/BrendanLoy.com contests, it’s free to enter. So, political junkies: put your money where your mouth is! And, non-junkies: have some fun, and try to beat the “experts” with random guesses! 🙂 The deadline to enter is 6pm Mountain Time on Monday.

Unlike in 2006, I’m doing a single, unified contest for the House, Senate, and assorted other races. All told, the Senate portion is worth 55 points, the House portion 50 points, and the “miscellaneous” portion 15 pints. Scoring details are on the entry page, but to summarize, each Senate race is worth 3 points, each House race is worth 1 point (though we aren’t picking individual races, just the total GOP pickup), and then there are some additional 1-point and 2-point questions, plus two fun bonus questions.

Sign up now! Good luck!

P.P.S. The signup page contains links, for each race, to the relevant RealClearPolitics polling page for that race. You may also want to consult the Cook Political Report, Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball, the Rothenberg Political Report, FiveThirtyEight, Pollster.com, Electoral-vote.com, and/or Karl Rove’s prediction site.

P.P.S. Oh yeah, and come back here & visit Tuesday night! I’ll be liveblogging the election results and the contest results, natch!

5 thoughts on “Enter my Election Prediction Contest!

  1. AMLTrojan

    Election Day is five days away, and that can mean only two things: one, conservatives are practically wetting themselves with glee and excitement, while Democrats flip-flop between desperate hope and abject #PANIC!!!; and two, it’s time for the Living Room Times 2010 Midterm Election Prediction Contest!

    That sounds like three things to me.

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  4. Tbone

    I have to complain about the Colorado-centric lean to this contest. You have readers from across the land but have weighted the tie-breakers and extras with very local issues that you have an home field advantage on.

    Dan Maes (who?) gets a question and a tie breaker? Does anyone outside of Colorado have a clue what Amendment 61 is about about? I would have much preferred a Jimmy McMillan tie-breaker!

  5. B. Minich

    Brendan list two three things after saying they were two? PANIC!

    Our chief weapon is surprise, surprise and fear, our two weapons are fear and surprise and ruthless efficiency. Our three weapons are fear and surprise and ruthless efficiency and a fanatical devotion to the pope. Our FOUR weapons. . .

    See, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

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