19 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @CBSNews: 215,000–CBS …

  1. Alasdair

    Does anyone have the equivalent numbers, for each rally, of the %age of folk who were bused in, as opposed to making their own way their as individuals ?

  2. gahrie

    There is an argument to be made that Beck’s rally was grassroots while Stewart’s rally was astroturf…..

  3. Alasdair

    It is both ironic and apposite at this point to observe that the very use of “lamest thing ever” is even more lame …

    Just sayin’ ….

  4. Jim Kelly

    Oh noes! You forgot Arianna Huffington! She bussed people in too! (In fact the *only* people I met who had been bussed in came on a Huffington bus.)

    Now of course I’m not really clear on why it’s okay for outside groups to bus people in for the Beck rally and not this, but whatever.

    It’s unsurprising to see every excuse under the sun as to why the attendance of this rally was much higher than the Beck rally. Instead you might want to just recognize the fact that as David K says, the rally was largely apolitical. Most people want to have a good time, not for political drama.

  5. Jim Kelly

    Also, how about this, I’ll spot you 87k people being bussed in. Oops. Still looks like the Beck rally was small by comparison.

    Who cares though? Does it matter? Your precious Republicans will make gains on Tuesday. Isn’t that where it matters?

  6. Alasdair

    What matters is that Federal policies change to spend less, and, given the current economic state (no matter who caused it), that no noew taxes are imposed (including preventing the Bush tax cuts from expiring) … doesn’t matter who actually does this, but it would be better if current politicians would do it sooner rather than later, so that business confidence can start to exist again …

  7. Joe Mama

    If Saturday’s overwhelmingly white crowd was in fact bigger than the overwhelmingly white crowd at the Beck rally in August, doesn’t that just mean more racists flock to Stewart and Colbert?

  8. dcl

    Well, there was the most ridership for Metro a weekend day ever, with lines that extended well outside of the station to get to the Mall.

    I know several people that walked 10+ miles to get there because metro basically collapsed while trying to run a standard weekend schedule. I know a lot of people gave up once they got down there because you couldn’t get close enough to see or hear anything.

    I also know that the politics of the people that went / tried to go that I know spanned from Liberals to Conservatives. Most were moderates… If anything it was basically the the Million Moderate March. Or the silent majority of WTF People!

  9. AMLTrojan

    I think if you broke down the two rallies by figures of age, children vs. no children, and single vs. married, that’d go a long way in explaining why one rally had more than the other.

  10. dcl

    Possibly. I think part of it is also the non-specific but vaguely ironic politics of the Stewart rally. Certainly the demo at the really skewed young. And older hippies…

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