Twitter: Oregon is playing …
Twitter: Oregon is playing Wazzu this weekend? Oh, brother. Oregon could lead 70-0 at halftime without breaking a sweat. #bloodbath
Twitter: Oregon is playing Wazzu this weekend? Oh, brother. Oregon could lead 70-0 at halftime without breaking a sweat. #bloodbath
Twitter: .@MelissaTweets @michellemalkin If Maes gets <10% (obv. necessary for Tancredo win), GOP loses major-party status in CO. #lol @MileHighBecky
Twitter: RT @daveweigel Color me skeptical that Tom Tancredo will win CO-Gov | Color me incredulous. #ColoradoGOPclusterf__k2010
Twitter: Why is it *so much* faster to delete a large Trash through the command line than through OS X?
Twitter: I almost want LSU to luck its way into BCS title, then fire Miles. RT @web_Supergurl: LSU fans put for-sale sign on Les Miles lawn overnight
Twitter: RT @Drudge_Report: Experts: Emanuel ‘not a legal resident of city’… | Related: “Experts” receive dead fish.
Twitter: Nope. RT @jimgeraghty: Will anything that happens this week have as much impact on the elections as Friday’s jobs report?
Twitter: “In the increasingly deep & quarterback-heavy Pac-10, USC (currently 116th in pass defense) will finish no higher than seventh.” -@slmandel
Twitter: I have the “Grumpy Old Troll” song stuck in my head. #PANIC
Twitter: If Ohio State & Oregon win out & battle for #2, will last year’s Rose Bowl serve as “tiebreaker” like Fiesta Bowl is doing with Boise & TCU?