Monthly Archives: October 2010

WAC/MWC deal update

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Looks like it was close but not quite on those earlier reports of a WAC/MWC agreement on the pending transfer of Fresno Stste and Nevada. ESPN and others are reporting that the conditions reached will include a reduced exit fee ($900k instead of the earlier reported $1m and initial $5m) but ALL sports will be waiting until 2012 to make… Read more »

Enter my Election Prediction Contest!

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Election Day is five days away, and that can mean only two things: one, conservatives are practically wetting themselves with glee and excitement, while Democrats flip-flop between desperate hope and abject #PANIC!!!; and two, it’s time for the Living Room Times 2010 Midterm Election Prediction Contest! As always with LRT/ contests, it’s free to enter. So, political junkies: put your… Read more »