Twitter: They do have …
Twitter: They do have a propensity to #PANIC. RT @fixfelicia: PA Gov. Ed Rendell (D) tells CNN that Dems are “a bunch of wusses”
Twitter: They do have a propensity to #PANIC. RT @fixfelicia: PA Gov. Ed Rendell (D) tells CNN that Dems are “a bunch of wusses”
Twitter: RT @reasonmag: What’s Dumber Than Patting Down Old Ladies and Toddlers?
Bottled water costs 1900x what tap water does. Don’t drink your $$$ away.
Twitter: RT @newscientist: Dim galaxy is most distant object yet found
Twitter: Twitter isn’t over capacity. You’re just holding it wrong.
Obama is going on The Daily Show next week. Here’s hoping Stewart gives him shit for not being able to present a coherent message to voters.
The top one tenth of one percent of Americans make more than the bottom 120 million of us. #problem
“@LisaGraas: Women Now Choose Objectification Over ‘Creepy’ Breastfeeding Breastfeeding made partisan. #odd
NYTimes: Making Ignorance Chic Maureen Dowd and I agree: Eat, Pray, Love is naval-gazing drivel. #awfulbooks
Twitter: RT @USCFootballNews: The program is promoting #redout